Maayan Torah Day School

Generally, there has been a lot of misconceptions regarding Judaism. Due to these misconceptions, Jewish families can have difficult strains with their children’s acceptance and identity.  As children are undoubtedly the future, it is very important to make them clear and aware of their identity. To do so, the local Jewish community of Maayan founded a Torah day and Jewish preschool in Portland Oregon. This school is named Maayan Torah Day School. Maayan is the Hebrew word that has the meaning of the “Spring of water”. Their academic program is designed in such a balanced way that apart from inculcating the love for Torah in the children, they give exposure to secular studies to the students. They are the member of Oregon Federation of Independent Schools along with the affiliation of National Society of Hebrew Day Schools.

Educational Divisions

Maayan Torah Day School academic profile features three education divisions, details of which is as follows:


In the Maayan Torah Day School ECE division, students are made to love the school. They work on embarking the love for the environment in the children along with working on their play skills. To give them proper Jewish experience, they get to sing the Jewish songs and knowledge about Jewish heritage. Maayan Torah Day School education model in the ECE classrooms revolves around the development of fine and gross motor skills in the children, usage of hand-on materials and to let them explore the senses and communication with their peers.

The classroom environment is capable enough to provide students with the rich learning experience as well as let them experience social-emotional growth.


Maayan Torah Day School preschool division inculcates the love of Mitzvot and Hashem in the children as well as familiarization with the Parsha and Jewish holidays. Here studies are integrated with the Judaics program to let children experience the relevance of the Torah in their life.

Students also get exposure to the techniques of number sense, patterns, hands-on manipulatives, and measurement. Preschool also enables students to develop socialization skills, problem-solving as well as communication skills. Furthermore, students are familiarized with the Hebrew language through various interactive means such as games, songs, and the formulation of a Hebrew rich environment.

Music and art are considered as vital for the nourishment of creativity. Realizing this concept, preschool offers art, music, movement and play opportunities for every enrolled student. Students get to develop their creative skills through various mediums like singing, dancing, weekly music classes, dramatic play, and sports.

Day School

Maayan Torah Day School offers learner-centered education from the K to the 8th grade with the active participation of students in the learning process. They take feedbacks and use them to make the education mechanism better. Thus, fostering excitement for learning in the students.

Their day school curriculum is the blend of conventional as well as Judaic studies. Their Judaic studies are mostly text-driven with the prime focus on Torah sources. Their general studies employ such a curriculum which is essential for the continuous progress of the student. Small group and project-based learning is the prime feature of their day schooling.